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What are the Dangers of Walking While Texting?

 Posted on March 12, 2019 in Car Accidents

walking while texting

The dangers of texting continue to be studied and not just for drivers. Although it might sound crazy, texting while walking can be almost as dangerous as texting while driving. More and more pedestrians are being injured while practicing unsafe texting conditions while walking along busy roads.

People have walked into telephone poles, bus stops, doors, shops, subway tracks, and more while not paying attention to where they are going. Pedestrians paying attention to their phones instead of their walking route not only slow down foot traffic but are also more likely to cause accidents with other pedestrians or walk directly into oncoming traffic.

Walking and Texting Accident Statistics

A recent study by the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center found that texting has become a significant distraction for pedestrians and the behavior can put pedestrians at risk for being hit by a vehicle.

Researchers found that roughly:

  • 1 in 3 pedestrians crossing the street were distracted by using a cellphone or other electronic device
  • 1 in 4 pedestrians practiced safety precautions like looking both ways and obeying traffic lights before crossing the street
  • pedestrians who were texting were 4 times less likely to look before they crossed a street, obey traffic signals or use a crosswalk
  • texting pedestrians also took longer to cross intersections, putting them at an increased risk of being hit by a vehicle

Texting and other behaviors that distract pedestrians have become increasingly dangerous in the U.S. Researchers said that vehicle-pedestrian accidents injury roughly 60,000 and kill 4,000 people every year. More than 1,100 pedestrians were injured and required emergency care after using their cellphone while walking last year, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Pedestrians and the Rules of the Road

Pedestrians should use caution when crossing any street or when walking near high-traffic areas. Pedestrians should consider the following tips when walking to prevent being involved in an accident:

  • Pay attention when crossing the street
  • Pick your head up and try to make eye contact with drivers
  • Look across all lanes of traffic before crossing the street
  • Don't use your cellphone while crossing an intersection
  • Cross at a designated crosswalk and obey traffic signals
  • Remove earphones so you can hear vehicles near you

Our Central Illinois personal injury law firm can help victims injured in pedestrian and car accidents. To learn more about your options, contact one of our experienced Springfield accident attorneys for a free consultation. We also serve clients located in Champaign, Decatur, and Peoria.

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