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How Much Compensation Can I Get for Pain and Suffering?

 Posted on April 08, 2022 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerIllinois law gives injured people the right to seek financial compensation for their injury-related costs when an accident is caused by another party’s actions. In many cases, injured individuals are also entitled to compensation for the non-financial losses they suffered as a result of their injury. These losses are often referred to as “pain and suffering” damages. If you or a loved one were hurt in a car crash, fall, work accident, or another incident, read on to learn about how non-financial damages are calculated in Illinois personal injury cases.

Understanding Economic and Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Case

Economic damages are financial losses that a person experiences because of a personal injury. For example, a truck accident victim may be faced with a massive hospital bill and ongoing medical expenses for physical therapy and medication. He may be unable to work during his recovery and forced to deplete his paid time off days. His vehicle may be totaled or in need of significant repairs. Calculating the total cost of these financial losses is usually straightforward.

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Lung Disease Sufferers May Be Entitled to Financial Compensation

 Posted on March 28, 2022 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerOur lungs give us life. Exposure to smoke, airborne chemicals, particulates, toxic fumes can severely damage the lungs and reduce a person’s ability to work. Respiratory illnesses and lung disease may be caused by work environments. Unfortunately, many people with respiratory illnesses caused by their jobs struggle to be taken seriously. Their symptoms are often blamed on allergies, pre-existing conditions, or other issues. If you or a loved one have developed lung problems because of your job, work with a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer.

How Work Conditions Can Lead to Lung Disease

Acute or repetitive exposure to mineral dust, gases, vapors, or airborne pathogens can eventually lead to lung diseases or breathing problems. Lung cancer, bronchiectasis, silicosis, pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and asthma are just some of the issues a worker may suffer from due to his or her work conditions. Anyone can suffer from these illnesses, but workers in certain industries are more likely to suffer from occupational diseases affecting breathing. People who work in farming or manufacturing industries are often especially vulnerable to lung illnesses due to the chemicals and materials used in those industries. Laboratory workers, miners, firefighters, and individuals who work with animals may also be exposed to materials that can cause lung disease.

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Victims of Violence May Have the Right to Sue for Damages in Illinois

 Posted on March 18, 2022 in Personal Injury

Il injury lawyerOver 1.3 million violent crimes were reported in the United States in the year 2020. Assault, battery, sexual assault, and other violent crimes can leave victims with physical and psychological injuries that dramatically impact their everyday lives. Sometimes, the perpetrators are brought to justice through the criminal courts. In other cases, perpetrators are able to avoid criminal culpability for their heinous actions. Regardless, criminal consequences like incarceration do not provide restitution to the victims. Many people who are injured in a violent attack are left unable to work and facing steep medical bills. Fortunately, victims of violence in this situation may be able to sue for monetary damages.

Premises Liability Lawsuits for Assault and Other Violent Crimes

If someone is assaulted or otherwise injured in an intentional act of violence, he or she may be able to seek justice through the civil court system. The victim may also be able to recover financial compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. The at-fault party in cases like these varies. The victim may be able to the person who committed the violent crime. However, many perpetrators of violence do not have the financial means to pay damages so suing them may be a fruitless pursuit. In some cases, it is a better idea to sue the party who allowed the assault or other violent act to occur.

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Legal Options for Police Officers Injured in the Line of Duty

 Posted on March 08, 2022 in Workers' Compensation

IL injury lawyerEvery profession involves some risk of injury. However, some jobs are inherently more dangerous than others. The National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund reports that nearly 300 police officers died in the year 2020 alone. Police face dangers every day on the job in the form of motor vehicle accidents, altercations with suspects, and countless other incidents. Officers who are hurt on the job may be entitled to financial compensation through workers’ compensation or a third-party claim.

Workers’ Compensation for Law Enforcement Officers in Illinois

In Illinois, employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance helps cover injury-related costs when a worker is hurt on the job. Injured police officers may be entitled to compensation for part of their lost income as well as medical bills. Medical expenses related to emergency room care, hospitalization, medication, and rehabilitative care may be covered by workers’ compensation. If a police officer suffers an injury that leaves him or her disabled, he or she may also be entitled to benefits through the Illinois Public Employee Disability Act.

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Seeking Compensation for a Traumatic Brain Injury Resulting in Cognitive or Psychological Harm

 Posted on March 04, 2022 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerTrauma to the head sustained in a fall accident, car crash, or other traumatic events can damage the brain. Our brains control everything from physical movement to emotions and cognition. Consequently, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can have a profound effect on the sufferers. The physical pain of a brain injury may eventually fade, but many TBI victims are left with cognitive impairment or psychological problems long after the visible injuries have healed. These problems can make it difficult if not impossible to work or carry out everyday tasks. If you or a loved one experienced a traumatic brain injury, it is important to explore your legal options.

Impaired Cognition After a TBI

Traumatic brain injury is one of the most dangerous types of injuries a person can suffer. TBIs not only cause physical problems like headaches and vertigo, but may also cause mental, cognitive, and psychological problems.

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FAQs About Third-Party Claims for Work Accidents in Illinois

 Posted on February 25, 2022 in Workers' Compensation

IL injury lawyerAlthough some jobs are more dangerous than others, any profession comes with the risk of injury. An office worker may develop carpal tunnel syndrome from typing on a keyboard all day. A factory worker may suffer a deep laceration caused by faulty equipment.

Injured employees in Illinois are usually entitled to workers’ compensation. However, in some cases, an injured worker may be able to bring a personal injury claim against a third party. Third-party claims may be brought in conjunction with a workers’ compensation claim or in lieu of a workers’ compensation claim. Read on to learn more.

When Is a Worker Entitled to Workers’ Compensation?

Illinois employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. If an employee is hurt while conducting work duties, he or she may be entitled to financial compensation through workers’ comp. The worker may be reimbursed for medical expenses and part of his or her lost wages. Illinois workers’ compensation is “no-fault.” This means that the employee does not have to prove that the injury was caused by the employer in order to qualify for compensation.

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What if the Driver Who Hit Me Did Not Have Car Insurance?

 Posted on February 18, 2022 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerAuto insurance is mandatory in Illinois. Unfortunately, some people ignore the law and drive without insurance. In most car accidents, the at-fault driver’s insurance company pays for vehicle repair and other damages. If you were in a crash with an uninsured driver, you may be worried about what will happen. Will you get compensation for vehicle repair or replacement costs? What about your medical bills resulting from your injuries? Fortunately, individuals in this situation have options.

Accidents Involving Uninsured and Underinsured Drivers

Being in a car crash is already bad enough. Finding out that the person who hit you does not have enough insurance to cover the costs, or worse, has no insurance at all can be devastating. You may be worried that you will be on the hook for these expenses. However, you may be able to get compensation from your own insurance company. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is designed for this exact situation. If you have liability coverage, you should have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Unfortunately, getting the insurance company to properly compensate you may be harder than it should be. Insurance companies often try to avoid paying car accident victims what they deserve. This is why you need a skilled car accident injury attorney to represent you during the claim process.

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5 Birth Injuries that May Be Caused by Negligent Medical Care Before, During, or After Birth

 Posted on February 10, 2022 in Medical Malpractice

Il injury lawyerDoctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers are extremely valuable members of our society. However, when a medical professional makes a mistake, the consequences can be catastrophic – especially if the victim of the mistake is an infant. Preventable birth injuries can be caused by almost countless factors. Sometimes, a doctor or nurse misinterprets test results. Other times, medical staff fail to recognize signs of maternal or fetal distress. Whatever the reason, birth injuries can lead to years of suffering and additional medical needs.

Infant Injuries that May Be a Result of Medical Mistakes

Every parent hopes for a healthy, happy baby. Unfortunately, some babies suffer injuries and medical complications during labor and delivery that lead to significant ailments. Not every birth injury is caused by negligent medical care, but some are. Birth injuries that may be the result of medical negligence include:

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When Is a Nursing Home Legally Responsible for a Resident’s Fall-Related Death?

 Posted on February 04, 2022 in Nursing Home Neglect

IL injury lawyerWhen you have a loved one in a nursing home, you may understandably worry about his or her wellbeing. While many nursing homes are staffed with compassionate, knowledgeable workers, some nursing homes fail to meet the high expectations residents and loved ones expect.

When a nursing home fails to maintain a safe facility, property monitor residents, and provide for the residents’ needs, avoidable injuries and deaths can occur. If your loved one died after falling at a nursing home facility, you may be able to seek justice through a nursing home negligence claim.

Preventing Fall Accidents Should Be a Top Priority in Nursing Homes

Falling down can lead to injuries regardless of the person’s age. However, elderly individuals are much more likely to suffer severe and fatal injuries in a fall than young people. In fact, falling is the leading cause of injury-related death for people over 65 years old. Unfortunately, statistics show that the rate of deaths caused by fall accidents is rising.

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What Are My Legal Options If I Was Injured in a Fire?

 Posted on January 24, 2022 in Personal Injury

Il injury lawyerFrom a young age, we are taught to “stop, drop, and roll” in the event of a fire. Unfortunately, fire safety education other safety measures do not prevent every fire from occurring.

Fires can cause horrible burns, lung damage from smoke inhalation, and other injuries. Individuals who survive a serious fire are often left with disfiguring scars and long-term health problems. If you or a loved one were hurt in a fire, you may be able to take legal action against the at-fault party. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Determining Who Is Liable for Fire

Fires can start for almost countless reasons. Sometimes the culprit is faulty wiring or incorrectly installed appliances. Commercial kitchens that are not properly cleaned can accumulate flammable grease that quickly ignites. Missing smoke detectors, broken fire escapes, or buildings that are not up to code can also cause or exacerbate fire-related injuries.

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