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Males more likely to die in pedestrian accidents

 Posted on December 19, 2012 in Car Accidents

Male pedestrians better watch out when crossing the street. A new study found that male pedestrians who are hit by vehicles are twice as likely to die compared to female pedestrians in the U.S.

In the U.S., roughly 12 percent of victims of traffic fatalities are pedestrians, according to a new study by the West Virginia University School of Public Health and Injury Control Research Center. The researchers sought to find answers as to why men are twice at risk to die after a pedestrian accident.

Unfortunately, the findings of the study did not pinpoint any surprising or significant factors that were not already found by previous studies.

The study found that male and females in the U.S. usually walked the same average distance every day. Recent police crash reports cited that males had a higher risk of being hit by a vehicle while walking, but the report did not cite reasons why.

After researchers gathered reports and data on pedestrian accidents throughout the country, statistics showed that male pedestrians are 2.3 times as likely to die after being involved in a vehicle-pedestrian accident. Researchers were not able explain specific reasons but they did explain a few common rationalities for the increased risk.

The researchers noted that alcohol involvement may play a role in male pedestrian fatalities, stating that it is not safe to walk around while intoxicated or impaired. They also suggested that males may be more likely to take risks while crossing the street or walking on a road, contributing to their increased risk of being killed in a pedestrian accident.

The study did find out the significant increased risk male pedestrians face. However, it did not really find out what specific reasons or safety precautions male pedestrians can make to reduce their risk of being in an accident.

The researchers are planning to continue their study and focus on determining what factors make males more likely to be killed in a pedestrian accident.

Source: The Financial Express, "Male pedestrians more likely to die in road accidents: study," Dec. 17, 2012

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